Tuesday, May 28, 2013

But I'm just.... Me

A few weeks ago I was feeling incredibly stressed/anxious, and I couldn't really figure out why I was feeling this way. School was easy, work hadn't changed, but I was feeling immense amounts of internal pressure. So I sat down to talk with my mom to try and reason things out. We finally figured it out, for the first time in my life I was feeling inadequate. I was receiving lots of praise from people within the mental health field about my story and blog. I didn't really understand why. I was worried I would not measure up to expectations. I don't feel like my story is anything special. BUT..... I think that's maybe why it helps.  I was just REALLY depressed then I got help...  I think some times we think we have to have a miraculous come back story to be an inspiration but just maybe I can be an inspiration by being completely average and normal. :)