Thursday, July 25, 2013

Having a BLAST!!!

Hey friends!

I am having the time of my life!

The second day in Chicago they took us to the John Hancock Observatory, it's on the 94th floor, and the view was absolutely incredible! Then we went to the Lincoln Zoo for a little bit. Lastly we had lunch at the Boys and Girls Club where we were all paired with a buddy. I had an adorable little boy named Isaac. I wish we could have stayed longer! After a bit of free time we were treated to dinner and Eddie Peterson spoke to us. There aren't even words to describe his speech but I will try... He was funny, inspirational, touching, honest, and truly touched my heart.

Yesterday we had out first rehearsal and it was so much fun! Every single girl competing is so nice and fun. I could not ask to be competing with a better group of women. I know I will continue these friendships long after this pageant is over. Then we went to the Skokie Library for the Princess Ball. We all were paired with a little princess and helped her through a set of activities. It was so much fun and I think we all would have stayed all night if they had let us.

This morning I am preparing for interview in a couple of hours! I pray that God watches over us all as we meet with the judges.

Again, thank you all for your support and encouragement. I could not be happier about this experience so far!

Monday, July 22, 2013

Chicago Day 1

I can't believe it is here. I am in CHICAGO!!!!

I arrived yesterday with my mom, Amy (her business partner), and Ally (Amy's daughter). Our flight out of Phoenix was delayed an hour because of bad weather in Phoenix. WEIRD, right? The flight was smooth except the guy sitting next to me kept talking to himself ;)  As soon as we got here we had to rush to the opening show and dinner for the Mac Duggal 2014 Spring line!  The show was incredible then I got to meet Mac himself. He is so very nice!

Then mom and I checked into the Double Tree where the pageant is being held. I got a great night sleep! Today has just been getting everything in my room set up, everything steamed and working out. Tonight we have orientation! I cannot wait to meet all of the other girls and get this week started. Keep me in your prayers! Thank you to everyone for your support and encouragement! xoxox

Saturday, July 13, 2013

What did I do....

Do you ever have moments where you realize all that you have been blessed with and know there is no way you deserve any of it?? Well, I have been having several weeks like that. I am continually amazed with what God blesses me with.

Several months ago I was having the hardest time finding a place to volunteer then I somehow found the Arizona Stigma Reduction Committee. The people involved have been beyond supportive, encouraging and welcoming. I know this group of passionate people will truly make a difference in the community of behavioral health in Arizona.

Last week I was chosen as the Director of Volunteers on the Board of the absolutely incredible organization "Girls Rule"! If you don't know about them yet, you need to look them up.. especially if you are a young girl or have a young lady in your life.

I have the most amazing people in my life. I am not biased at all when I say my mom is one of the greatest people ever. She is the Proverbs 31 woman. The two of us were discussing our friends and what inspirational people they are. We have been blessed to be surrounded by people that all strive to be the best in their field while also striving to help others and make a difference in the world.

I pray every night the I allow God to use me and these blessings to His benefit!